Wednesday 23 January 2013

Branded Vs Cute

Okay! This is my first entry ever...hehehe..dupdap plak la nk menulis balik..padahal xdela hits mane pun blog ni, ecececeh!! Okay, nk cte pasal smalam. yesterday i pergi melaka, and elok je smpai depan Tesco tgh tggu trafic light, guess what??? i forget to bring my purse..!!! xdela purse sgt saya ttp menganggapnya sebagai purse saya..sbb segalanya ada kat situ;ic license, atm card, shopping card, duit dh tentu2la even xdela byk mane...heee .

Tetiba tgh bingung2 mencari penyelesaian tu, mak call! Rupa2nya mak tau dari adik..aiseyhman..ape lagi, kenala tahan telinga..antara topik yg mnjadi punca mak x berpuas hati; keadaan purse saya, nmpknya kenala beli purse lain. Before ni ada beli purse tp xsemangat nk guna, coz i dont like to bring my handbag when outing..and slalunya mmg purse pooh saya tu muat utk dimasukkan ke dlm poket jeans saya. So, no need handbag! Hehehe...i'm not the one yg xsuka handbag, i'm still typical ladies yg terpk nk handbag as brg hantaran..kehkeh..but sometimes i just want to be relax..go outing without hold things..hehehe., tp bila pk2 balik, kenAla jugak beli the new one...the alternative utk carik duit shopping mmgla my big bro..nasib baik dia keja kat Melaka..hehehe..but the mission to find the luggage, need to be changed. xkanla nk pinjam duit org sampai 5rat..Shopping punya shopping (pinjam duit my big bro) ternmpkla purse ni...hehehe..nk kata branded, sbb dia strike and cute! Milk teddy and orange! And the price only RM 30. Murah je kan? so dr nk shopping luggage, jadilah shopping purse je..instead of that, as promised i bought casing for my new ipad..heee...the original one sbb beli kat Mac city..harga mestila dua kali ganda kan? ngee..
But i'm still survey for the luggage..kebetulan kuar2 lif je jusco tgh ada sales promotion discount about 50% for hush puppies from RM700 it become only RM focus is not the price actually but it was in PINK COLOUR...GADIS MERAH nama pun cuma pnjam abg 300 hengget..dh beli casing, dh beli bye2 jela luggage tu...(padahal dalam hati dh semangat pk nk kecek mak time balik nnti. heee)

Ok, i'm not the branded one...x kisah brg tu branded atau x, janji dia cute i will grab it..the price is nothing...except klu harga mahal sgtla..heeeee...,tamatlah riwayat purse pooh pemberian nadia tu..lets change to the orange one!

But the blue one still consider as purse, rite? Heeee... :p


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