Wednesday 27 March 2013

I like you... :)

I had hoped that those thirty seconds of bravery would be the start of something – and I guess it was. The tension, albeit in my head, of knowing that I like you and wondering if you liked me still hangs in there air but at least we are not total strangers, at least that first “hello” has made way for possibilities. But I still hold on to the hope that somehow through fate or through a twist in fate, I’ll get to know something real about you. Maybe you’ll get to know something real about me too.

Perhaps it’s just human nature; perhaps this feeling is really just superficial and sooner or later it will pass. And even if it does, that’s okay – I am not looking too much into the future nor will I wait in vain. But as long as you’re around and this feeling stays, I’m going to indulge it, and I’m going to smile when I see you and I am going to keep liking you. And I’ll keep hoping that maybe, possibly, potentially, by some miracle I’ll tell you how much I like you and finally get to ask you: Do you like me too?


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